Tracy is back and she has a lot of work to do! Tracy took some time away to work on her doctoral dissertation. She is back and energized to help even more families. Please join us in celebrating her return, as she works with the board to strengthen and expand our services.
We do not have all the answers but we are working toward solutions for the many homeless families in our area. In addition to our in-shelter program, we offer support to keep families facing the homelessness to keep them in their homes. We are donating groceries to formerly homeless families and others in need of food, clothing and other supplies.
With our houses of worship not yet back to hosting overnights, we are frequently paying overnight staff. We have hired five additional employees to do what volunteers are unable to do at this time. We continue to help families find employment and stable housing.
All of this has stretched our budget.

Please continue to partner with us as we respond to the crisis and serve our most vulnerable population, children and families.
Thank you,
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